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Pjaca Split Croatia
Pjaca Split Croatia

People's Square (Narodni trg) - PJACA


Just outside the walls of Diocletian’s Palace sits Pjaca (the official name: People’s Square (Narodni trg)). It is located just past the western walls of Diocletian’s Palace, at the exit of the Iron Gate. As the population grew, the palace became too small and Pjaca was the first area developed beyond the walls in the 14th century.
Home to the former 15th-century city hall, Pjaca has been a gathering space for centuries, and it’s still a great place to enjoy a cup of coffee or a nighttime stroll. Pjaca attractions are:


  • The Old Town Hall (Previously, Pjaca got its role as the center of the municipal government and thus, its main attraction today is the old Town Hall. This 15th century gothic structure is accented by three gothic arches, which are supported by two columns with capitals. Today it no longer serves as a public office, but as a function space with many exhibitions.)



  • The Church of Our Lady of the Bell Tower (The Church of Our Lady of the Bell Tower (Gospe od Zvonika) is a small church of St. Theodore, the patron saint of soldiers, founded in the 6th century, under the Byzantine rule, out of use now. The church was built in a guard passage above the interior gate. The bell tower from the 11th century stands on top of it, representing the unique remains of the monument built in pre-Romanesque style. The chapel was renamed after a 13th century medieval icon which once hung in the chapel and is now kept in the Cathedral Treasury.)


  • The Old Town Clock (A Romanesque tower with a Renaissance town clock (15th or 16th century) with the small, but exceptionally beautiful bell tower on its top is one of Split symbols. The city clock separated with Roman numerals in 24 parts, unique due to its 24 instead of 12 digits, has been ticking for centuries on Pjaca.)


  • The Old Town Cafe (The cafe was opened in 1780, and became a center for the social life of Split, and a focal point for Croatian National Revival in the second half of the 19th century as well as the meeting place of intellectuals and artists during the first half of the 20th century.)


  • Morpurgo Bookstore  (since 1860, for more information see link, please). 


  • Flagpole (In the 15th century a two meter high stone base was placed in the city's main square, just outside the West Gate of the Palace, known as the Piazza. It was originally decorated with a winged lion, the symbol of the Venetian Republic, a laurel wreath and the crest of the city of Split. It was probably removed following the fall of Venice in 1797. The new flag pole base was erected some fifteen years ago, a work by a Split sculptor Kuzma Kovačić, who carved the famous words of the poet Tonči Petrasov Marović along its facade.  


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Pjaca Split Croatia
The Old Town Clock
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